What do you really want?
What do you really want? You know when I ask people that question, their first response is to tell you what they don’t want. First thing. In fact, for the most part, people can tell you chapter and verse all of the things that they don’t want. 80% of the time, they are actually hard-pressed to tell you what they do want. In fact, I can say a large majority of the people I ask this question have no idea how to answer it. The ones that do have an answer, it is usually vague and extremely non-specific.
There are several factors that create this vagueness. Fear is a large part of it. Fear of the unknown is a big one.
The biggest question that opens the door to fear is, “what if…?” You can fill in the blank with anything you want. What if this, that, or the other thing happens? What if this person does, says, or doesn’t say this? What if…? You get the idea. The what if’s are the worst! Then those that have any sort of spiritual leaning might say that they’ve “prayed on it”, or “taken it into meditation”, and are leaving it to God, the Universe, Source. This could be weariness from the journey their life has taken, mostly it’s about making choices. This is also fear. Fear of being wrong. This is funny because the only way you can be wrong about your life is by allowing others to make the choices for you. Source gives you whatever you ask for. You decide.
Tomorrow I’ll be announcing something new to help a select few people answer the question, What do I really want?, in the meantime, here’s the stone I’ve chosen to highlight. I think this is one of the best stones for you when you have to answer this question: Bumblebee Jasper.
Now, if you were to ask a geologist or your more enthusiastic rockhound, they would both tell you that it’s not actually a “jasper”. Since we’re here about the more metaphysical side of the conversation, we’ll be referring to it the way you’d purchase it in a retail environment, Bumblebee Jasper.
As the second stone of the (5) stones in your Dream Bigger Collection, Bumblebee Jasper is about inspiration, creative manifestation, and adventure. It connects to the second and third chakras. So it is about the fire in your belly, and trusting yourself. It helps inspire courage, a sense of purpose, and adventurousness. Because it is connected to the third chakra, it will also trigger third eye intuition and mental acuity. So, you can feel your ideas in your gut. Truth is, you know in your gut what is suitable for your future.
You must have fire and passion for what you really want in your life, know what it will take to achieve it, and trust the Self enough to know you can have it and are truly worth it.
It is energizing. It keeps you “buzzing” with enthusiasm and optimism. Just the way a bee moves from flower to flower to make the best honey, bumblebee jasper helps you move out of your comfort zone, and move to taste the nectar of new opportunities.
I have this tower in my office. Sometimes it sits close to me, next to my computer inspiring me to keep going, knowing each layer represents all of the wisdom I have gotten through living and learning. Other times it sits across from my desk on my bookshelf that I call my Wall of Wisdom. There it is the bright yellow beacon of courage and inspiration. It sits among other thought expansion tools and crystals, helping me not lose sight of what I’m here for.
“I create the life that I want”
~So here’s The Thing~
Asking, and allowing your Inner Self to answer the question, what do I really want, is an extremely vulnerable place to be. It means that you have to admit to yourself that you have control over how things are in your life. It means you have to take responsibility for things being the way they are.
It means that you choose what your future holds. It means you really do manifest the life that you believe you can have. It also means that you need to answer the questions, with real specificity:
What do I really want, What am I willing to do to get it, and am I finally ready to trust myself to have it?
I believe in your ability to do, be, and have whatever you really want in life. I can see it, clearly. I’m not looking through your eyes, so I’m neither distracted nor discouraged by what you see. I trust that whatever you set your mind, and energy to you can achieve. I know that in the past, you have achieved many things that you set your mind to. You did whatever what necessary, including getting help when you needed it because you believed in the vision.
All you need to do now is decide, what do you really want?
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow’s email announcement.
I’ll be announcing how a select group of people will be able to get help answering this question.
Maybe you’re ready and it will be you!
If you haven’t gotten on the mailing list, now is a great time to do so. Then you’ll get the first chance to get help. There will even be a chance to win a spot!
Remember you are ILLIMITABLE! Now’s the BEST time to go out and create a life that rocks!