A Crystal to Help You Blossom
Hello Friend!
Here we are in our last week of retrograde. Monday’s New Moon in Gemini brought soothing breezy energy to this time. It will help get us through this last week with ease and grace.
As we enter into June, and out of retrograde, I am beginning to experience a feeling like the last days of vacation. At the beginning of vacation, I’m so wound up about getting ready that it takes me a day or two to begin to relax. Then in the middle, I’m luxuriating in the freedom of having nothing I have to do. Then right at the end, I’m torn between the feeling of never wanting to do anything ever again, and being ready to get going in my life again. That’s how the end of retrograde feels for me. If I can keep things slow for a little while longer…then I’ll be ready to get going again!
At least that’s what’s been going through my mind this last weekend. I have been holding onto a couple of big projects for months now. My team and I gave me until after this retrograde and my birthday celebrations to start preparing for the launch. I decided to take things at a pace that would keep me feeling joyful during the process. Retrograde ends Friday, my last birthday dinner is next Wednesday. The time has officially arrived.
Flower Agate
As usual, I am turning to a stone to help remind me that it’s safe to start moving again. It’s safe to get things up to speed. It’s time to start opening up and believing. So the crystal that I’ve chosen to usher this moment of great expectancy is flower agate. The stone of personal growth. It is about manifesting your potential, fighting fear, and opening up the space for growth and expansion. Think about it this way: the same way a flower opens its petals to reveal its beauty within, is the same way flower agate helps you open, grow, expand, and manifest the beauty that lies within you.
Here’s the thing - One of the biggest things that can prevent you from creating the life that you’ve always wanted is fear. Fear of all kinds of things. However, if you, believe Brené Brown, and you’re anything like me, the biggest fear is of being vulnerable. As long as things are “in development”, “still in beta”, and “open to a select group”, then I never have to actually launch. So this June we’re doing all the things and telling everyone.
When you know it’s time to take action, do you find yourself holding back, getting more research, and continually pushing your “what’s next” a little bit farther away? Are you still looking for the perfect time to shift, change your life, or launch? Then grab you a flower agate, start a timeline, and start doing focused visualizations of you shifting, changing, expanding, and launching. Create the opportunity to blossom this Spring. It’s time to reveal the beauty within you. If you think you might need help with that, let’s chat! I’ll begin accepting new clients again beginning next week.
Remember, you are illimitable. Go out and create a life that rocks!