
The Cards & The Crystals Final Cover.png

The Cards & The Crystals

October is the time of year when the veil between ancient wisdom and present awareness is thinnest. It is also the season of harvest. It is the time when the seeds you have sown have grown into the fruits of your labor. What do the cards have to offer you for the coming time when the veil is thin? What messages are there for you about what you have created? How do you incorporate those messages into a spiritual practice?

October 2021 Robyn partnered with her friend Brendan of Fikira Kenya Tarot, posting new videos to the Goddess of Joy YouTube channel. There are 31 days of cards and crystals. A card a day, plus a crystal companion, what messages do you need to hear to prepare for your harvest season? What wisdom is yours to discover coming to you from the ancients?

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